Casino Games You Should Try Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Want your zodiac sign to influence which casino games are best suited to you – the Aries with her angry flames, or the intuitive waters of Cancer? Find out right here how astrological gambling philosophy could change the way you gamble and come out ahead at the casino.

Leos might go for the roulette, while Virgos prefer the more even stakes approach of poker. But what genre of games are we talking about?


If you assume that your prediction model is correct, then, astrology and gambling would seem to be a natural match. Aries, with his or her competitive instincts, might be the luckiest fighter at the blackjack table, especially when all other players pack up and leave. Taurus, with his or her love of earthly delights, would always win at roulette. Geminis would do well at games where there are tons of options.

Leos will also be at the casinos taking chances, and playing commanding competitions (such as blackjack, but they are also quite good at vingt-et-un) and of course the common casino games of roulette and craps.


Taureans – bull-headed pleasure-seekers with exquisite taste – tend to gravitate to games fit for a king (literally) – wins are on their side with any progressive jackpot game. They’re also big on Bingo and Poker.

Earth signs are strategic planners who like the biggest risk and most cerebral games, and who prefer playing at the largest tables where they have more scope to interact with their playing peers.

Gambling enthusiasts tend to play casino games that involve more action, for example, roulette, and also more risk, for example, games of baccarat.


While gambling astrology might sound absurd, some can find the interpretations to be helpful: Aries gamblers flourish under intense competition and need quick decisions and results, which means Aries can do well at fast-paced gambling games, such as real money craps.

Taureans like to plan, and they might fall into the rhythm of a clever discussion at the poker table. At an instant scratch card site digital satisfaction arrives at the click of a mouse.


Earth signs such as Taurus and Capricorn naturally gravitate toward those games that reward waiting, watching and an impulsive eye for strategy – which means that they, more than any other sign, would excel at poker as a thoughtful and logical player.

A fire-gambling sign such as Gemini or Libra might be attracted to a fast-thinking and quick-decision game such as blackjack, while someone who is an Earth sign such as a Taurus or a Cancer would seek to build up and exploit their winnings marginally. They could easily find themselves gambling too much money unless they set limits and stick to them. Astrological gambling picks would help them decide those.


Astrology maintains that outer planetary influences exert a gigantic influence over your life – including whether you win or lose. Timing gameplay to this mysteriously powerful cosmic influence is a simple birth-chart key that opens previously undetectable treasure-houses of cash.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are the most socially minded and flexible among the group, and value games that provide social stimulation, such as craps or poker. Air signs will love a game, like craps, with frequent banter at the table, or one, like poker, with alternating strategies.


In contrast, the air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are more apt to be gregarious and easygoing, playing well with others who want to engage in rapid-fire banter at a roulette table; or who prefer blackjack at an online casino that takes deposits as low as three bucks.

Poker in the casino also holds special appeal for them because the call of the Scorpio continues beckoning them with ‘One more? I want to know more about this, what people do, how their minds work, the games therein … ‘ Poker is mostly about human beings acting out their emotions, reading subtle cues, and bluffing in order to gain an advantage.


Cancerian people are very sociable and love to get together with others – social games such as bingo or poker could be good for you. Try playing progressive jackpots or casino table games such as roulette or craps to spice up things a little.

Astrology becomes an incredibly exotic way of looking at casino play that can provide a lively new lens through which to approach your gambling: the ‘stars’ really are on a stage and in a cosmic drama!


Capricorns might very well enjoy socially interactive games that allow for individual expression – such as video poker! And Tuesdays and the number nine are probably also Play Days for them.

With an analytical and calculative mind, you’re perfect for taking on the internet’s online poker world with Texas hold’em or roulette on Saturdays (your lucky day to gamble), or those scratch cards if you’re after an adrenalin rush!

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